Igor Tominec


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About me

Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University. My research is focused on analyzing and developing numerical algorithms for solving partial differential equations that find applications in continental ice sheet modeling.

I hold a Ph.D. degree in Scientific Computing with specialization in Numerical Analysis from Uppsala University, Sweden.

I previously held a position in industry where I worked as Senior Software and Algorithm developer at Qamcom Research and Technology.

Research interests



  1. Well-posedness of the Stokes problem under modified pressure Dirichlet boundary conditions. Preprint, 2024.
  2. Weak form Shallow Ice Approximation models with an improved time step restriction. Preprint, 2024.
  3. Stability estimates for radial basis function methods applied to linear scalar conservation laws. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2025.
  4. An RBF partition of unity method for geometry reconstruction and PDE solution in thin structures. Preprint, 2024.
  5. Meshfree RBF–FD methods for numerical simulation of PDE problems. Journal of Physics, 2024.
  6. Residual viscosity stabilized RBF-FD methods for solving nonlinear conservation laws. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022.
  7. An unfitted radial basis function generated finite difference method applied to thoracic diaphragm simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 2022.
  8. A least squares radial basis function finite difference method with improved stability properties. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021.
  9. An unfitted RBF-FD method in a least-squares setting for elliptic PDEs on complex geometries. Journal of Computational Physics, 2021.
  10. A first meshless approach to simulation of the elastic behaviour of the diaphragm. Springer, Lecture notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2020.


Bachelor Thesis supervision


Journal referee work

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